451 68-91

Live Blog 451 68-91


  1. @Gabby; I think that Clarisse continues to have an effect on Montag's life even after she's gone because she was so different from the rest of society. She was curious about everything and saw the beauty in the little things. While others were sucked in by technology Clarisse liked to ask questions and seek answers. She stood out to Montag. She asked him questions that got him thinking. Clarisse changed Montag and I don't think he will ever forget the way that she made him feel.

  2. @Gabby; I think that the meaning of family and love is different today than in 451 because the people in our family are usually people that we know really well. We spend so much time with them and we grow up together. In 451, Montag and Mildred, although married, don't really understand each other. Montag realizes that he doesn't really feel as if he knows Mildred. Mildred doesn't support Montag in his search for answers. Their relationship is very different from most family relationships we know today in that today many families are supportive and know so much about each other.

  3. @Cerai; I think that the rules are different for firemen and civilians when it comes to possessing a book because it's a firemen's job to destroy books. If a civilian has a book it is probably because they want to read it for it's information which could then cause them to 'get ideas' and possibly cause them to rebel.

  4. @Cerai; I don't think that the people are truly living if they are experiencing everything through a screen because there is so much in the world that doesn't involve technology. Face to face human interaction is important as is exploring nature and spending time doing things you love that don't involve a screen. Humans can't truly experience life when they fully rely on technology.

  5. @AnnaMarie; I think that the technology in 451 makes life fairly simple and easy for the society. People aren't really required to think. So to answer your question, I believe that it is easier for people to not think and just do because they don't really have to think and thinking critically in this society is considered dangerous and abnormal.

    1. I think at this point, with all of the technology and how brainwashed and sucked in everyone has become, the people wouldn't want to think because they are so used to life where they don't have to.

  6. @Tobin; I think a lot of technology is 451's society is meant to distract the citizens from books and seeking information that could potentially lead to 'getting ideas'. A lot is hidden from the society and therefore distractions need to be made. I believe that the sounds and shapes are another from of distracting the people.

  7. @Autumn; I think that the people put their trust into the government because they are so used to being followers. The people in 451 have been sucked into technology and haven't really had to think. They don't have their own opinions any more. I don't think that the people are followers because they because they aren't comfortable being leaders I think that they've become brainwashed and don't realize what their society has become. But those like Montag, Clarisse, her uncle, and Faber who want answers to their questions and who can think and have opinions are seeing how so many people are followers and they want to do something about it.

  8. @Class; Today, a lot of technology is used to help us find information and to learn. In 451, we see that most of the technology (like the parlors) is to distract the people. It has sucked them in. And while there is technology that is 'useless' and unnecessary today that also sucks us in, what happened to the useful technology? Where did it all go? Does it still exist?

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